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Application of Problem-Based Learning Models on Differentiated Learning Strategies to Improve Critical Thinking Skills of Class X Students in Geography at SMA Negeri 6 Malang

Application of Problem-Based Learning Models on Differentiated Learning Strategies to Improve Critical Thinking Skills of Class X Students in Geography at SMA Negeri 6 Malang




Nungki Juliatin 1*

Mokhammad Rohim1  

*Email :



 This research is motivated by the low critical thinking skills of students in Geography subject at SMA Negeri 6 Malang. This study aims to improve students' critical thinking skills by using a problem-based learning model based in a differentiated learning strategy. This type of research is classroom action research. The subjects of this research were students of class X-X at SMA Negeri 6 Malang. The instruments used in this study were interview sheets, observations, test questions, and documentation. Data collection techniques consist of interviews, observation, tests and documentation. Data analysis in this study used quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The result of this research is a problem-based learning modelbased on a differentiated learning strategy can improve the thinking skills of class X-X students of SMA Negeri 6 Malang. This is shown from the results of data analysis of students' critical thinking skills achieving an average score of 69.28 (9.98%) in cycle I and 78.71 (13.61%) in cycle II.


Keyword: Problem Based Learning, Differentiated Learning, Critical Thinking


1.    Introduction

 Education is one of the gates to provide progress in the nation. One of the institutions is formal education in which there are several that act as supporters of the success and progress of education itself. Principals, teachers, students and facilities in formal schools are expected to be consistent in advancing and improving the quality and quality of education in them. Improving the quality and quality of formal schools plays an important role in improving the quality of human resources. The positive quality and quality of schools can provide quality output of human resources and have competitiveness in social life in the future.

 Efforts to improve the quality and quality of formal education are always pursued by developing a curriculum, one of which is currently being implemented in the world of education, namely the Independent Curriculum, up to the provision of Pre-service PPG to improve the

quality of teachers and their professionalism. According to Munthe (2020) The success factors for the curriculum are influenced by the leadership of the school principal, teachers, student activities, learning facilities and resources and the school committee. The principal's leadership determines the quality and quality of management in an institution. The teacher has a very big influence on the achievement of the learning process which involves students as the main object in the class, the function of the teacher is to become a facilitator in which to make lesson plans and assessments according to the characteristics of students which will later be implemented in the learning process. Student activities become very important in the learning process because in the independent curriculum the teacher is a facilitator while students are the main actors in the learning process. Facilities, infrastructure and committees are very important supporting factors in supporting the learning process which will make the quality and quality of education better.


The learning process is one of the keys to educational success. The learning process is a place where students can develop and add to the abilities they have. In the independent curriculum, the learning process is completely handed over to the teacher. In line with the above concept, the learning process in the independent curriculum pays attention to the principles contained in the Decree of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Number 56/M/2022 concerning Application of the Curriculum in the Context of Learning Recovery, including "Relevant learning, namely learning that is designed according to the context , environment, and culture of students, as well as involving parents and the community as partners” and “Future-oriented and sustainable learning”. These two principles serve as teacher guidelines in making learning plans and assessments which in essence must be in accordance with the conditions of students and oriented towards the future. These two principles can be implemented in a learning model where the learning model must be in accordance with the principles described above. Joyce & Weil argues that a learning model is a plan or pattern that can be used to shape the curriculum (long-term learning plans), design learning materials, and guide learning in class or others. According to the previous description it can be interpreted that the teacher can choose an efficient learning model to be designed and applied in the learning process according to the character of the students.


The condition of students or more precisely the character of students in the classroom environment varies greatly in terms of learning styles, initial abilities and also student profiling. This diversity must be known and understood by the teacher, so that the teacher can design the learning process according to the character and conditions of the students. The condition of the students in class X-X SMA Negeri 6 Malang in the Geography Subject experienced weaknesses in reasoning, where in answering the essay questions the students tended to text not the results of their own reasoning. This can be seen in the pre-cycle ability test where the results obtained were

only 4 out of 35 students who were included in the good category. Sensitivity to the surrounding environment is still minimal. With these problems, it is necessary to have a learning model that can enable students to improve their thinking skills, especially critical thinking. Improving critical thinking skills can bring students to improve reasoning skills and also problem solving so that students can make this learning their provision in solving problems in the future. Hydrosphere material can help students to understand the problems in it. Taking into account the conditions of students and lifelong learning, the researcher raised the title " Application of Problem-Based Learning Models on Differentiated Learning Strategies to Improve Critical Thinking Skills of Class X Students in Geography at SMA Negeri 6 Malang”.


2.    Research methods


This type of research is PTK research, namely Classroom Action Research. The actions taken in this study used the Problem Based Learning learning model based on Differentiated Learning Strategies to improve the critical thinking skills of students in class X-X SMA Negeri 6 Malang. This research consisted of 2 cycles in which each cycle consisted of several stages, namely: 1) Planning, 2) Implementation, 3) Observation, and 4) Reflection.


The research was conducted at SMA Negeri 6 Malang. The subjects of this study were 35 students of class X-X SMA Negeri 6 Malang. The instruments used in this study were interview sheets, observations, test questions, and documentation. The resulting data source was obtained from class X_-X students of SMA Negeri 6 Malang. Data collection techniques consist of interviews, observation, tests and documentation. Data analysis in this study used quantitative and qualitative data analysis. Quantitative data analysis was seen from the acquisition of data on post-test cycle I and cycle II to describe students' critical thinking skills. While qualitative data is used to describe problems that occur in class through interviews and observations.


Improved learning outcomes for students can be seen in the process and from the final results of learning. In this study success was determined through the class average obtained from student scores, which was formulated as follows:



3.    Results and Discussion


The results showed that there was an increase in students' critical thinking skills using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model based on on Differentiated Learning Strategies in geography subjects with hydrosphere material in class X-X SMA Negeri 6 Malang. The increase in critical thinking skills cannot be separated from the steps in the learning process in the Problem Based Learning model based on on Differentiated Learning Strategies. These steps are applied the same in cycle I and cycle II. The five steps are:


1)      Orientation of students to the problem

 This first step is the researcher brings students into a problem where the student's task is to analyze and understand the problem (problems are also given to LKPD in the form of a link to access, in the link in the form of videos, pictures and sound). The purpose of this step is for students to be able to solve problems and guide students to become individuals who are critical of a phenomenon and sensitive to the surrounding environment. In this step students must be fully involved, because in this learning process raises concrete problems that must be known and understood by each student in order to work together to solve problems. The role of the researcher in this process is to motivate students so that they can try to understand the problems that have been given.


2)      Organizing students to learn

 Researchers at this stage ensure that each student actively participates in learning. To make it easier to organize students, the researcher divided the class into 7 groups according to their characteristics (learning style result data) that had been obtained at the beginning of the meeting. Grouping according to the characteristics of students is expected to make students work together optimally. The purpose of forming groups is so that students can more easily understand problems and solve them with group members. This step starts from grouping students. The researcher gave LKPD to each group. The group discusses the problem that has been given by the researcher (each group member is required to be active in the group to express their opinion or argument regarding the problem being discussed). The results of the discussion are outlined in the LKPD that has been given to each group. With this method (grouping according to learning style) it is believed that students can more easily solve problems. This opinion is in line with Melani's opinion (in Aprilianti, et al, 2018) saying that with group discussions students will remember what was discussed more than receiving explanations from the teacher. In other words, peer discussion is more meaningful than with the teacher. Aprilianti, et al (2018) also argue that

discussions can also increase students' understanding, knowledge and sharpness of thinking. From the previous sentence it can be interpreted that discussion can make it easier to solve existing problems and also provide new insights.


3)      Guiding individual as well as group investigations

 This step brings researchers to observe students in arguing or arguing in groups. This stage is intended so that each student can be interactive to find solutions to the problems discussed. In this interactive, students are expected to increase their critical thinking skills regarding the issues discussed, which will later have an impact on the lives they live. It is believed by researchers that solving concrete problems can add critical power to the mindset of students.


4)      Develop and present results

 In this stage each group is asked to make a report according to their group's abilities (video, audio, and infographics). The work they made was then presented in front of the class. Each group member presents the results of their group performance in turn, this aims to find out how much they know and understand the issues being discussed. In this PBL model students cannot leave the existing stages so they must be fully involved. As stated by Nuraini (2017) who said that problem based learning is a learning model that accommodates student involvement in learning and problem solving. With this opinion, it also indirectly strengthens the PBL model, students also play a role in improving and developing their critical thinking skills.


5)      Analyze and evaluate the problem solving process

 In the last step the researcher helps students to analyze and evaluate the solutions or solutions to the problems they investigated and discussed previously. Each group presents the results of their investigation and discussion in front of the class. The problems and solutions they discussed varied in each group. With these differences, it will add to the insight they have. The results of group performance are presented in front of the class. The group that is not presenting pays attention to the group that is presenting, it is hoped that it can add insight and improve the critical thinking skills they have. After the group has presented the other groups can respond (ask questions or add solutions that should be given). This process continues until all groups present and the researcher continues with a joint evaluation. These stages are in line with Rahyubi's opinion (in Nuraini, 2017) which reveals that in obtaining information and developing an understanding of topics, students learn how to construct problem frames, organize and investigate problems, collect and analyze data, compile facts, construct arguments. regarding problem

solving, working individually or collaboratively in solving problems. The Problem Based Learning learning model makes the learning process very complex to improve students' abilities.

 Improvement of Critical Thinking Ability

 The results of data analysis on the variable students' critical thinking skills showed that the average value of critical thinking skills in the first cycle was 69.29 and experienced an increase in the second cycle, namely 78.71. The following is an overview of students' critical thinking abilities when presented in graphical form.


The average value of the ability of students has increased with a percentage in the first cycle of 9.96% and the second cycle 13,61%. When presented and presented in graphic form, then as follows:

Increasing critical thinking skills in students cannot work alone, in tandem with the actions taken, namely the learning model that is applied. In this study the action chosen by the researcher was the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model based on differentiation learning. This model can help improve students' critical thinking skills because in this learning model students are stimulated to use concrete problems so that the problems they face are real and they often encounter them in their lives, indirectly this stimulates their brains to reason critically so that these problems immediately overcome and not cause a negative impact on the lives they live. This explanation is reinforced by Nurhadi (in Wedyawati & Lisa, 2019) who says that problem based learning is a learning model that uses real world problems as a context for students to learn about critical thinking and problem solving skills, as well as acquire knowledge and concepts that essential of the subject matter. With differentiated learning it makes it easier for students to coordinate with group members to solve and discuss the issues discussed. Besides that, differentiated learning also makes it easier for them to express their talents and creations with groups (collaborating) because they are in the same character sphere. With the combined PBL model and differentiation learning, it really helps students to improve their critical thinking skills. This argument is reinforced by Kurniasih, et al (2020) who say that PBL emphasizes learning as a process that involves problem solving and critical thinking in actual contexts (Kurniasih, et al, 2020).


4.       Conclusion


Based on the descriptions and reviews that have been described above, it can be concluded that the Problem Based Learning model based on on Differentiated Learning

Strategies can improve the thinking skills of students in class X-X SMA Negeri 6 Malang. This is shown from the results of data analysis on students' critical thinking skills achieving an average score of 69.28 (9.98%) in cycle I and 78.71 (13.61%) in cycle II. Based on the results of this study, it is hoped that more and more students' abilities can be developed through learning models that are very effectively used in the learning process.



 Thank God for all the love for me, because of all the graces that You have given me, I can finish this journal article. This journal article was written by Nungki Juliatin who is currently studying Teacher Profession at the Postgraduate Teacher Professional Education Study Program, State University of Malang. The title of this research is entitled " Application of Problem-Based Learning Models on Differentiated Learning Strategies to Improve Critical Thinking Skills of Class X Students in Geography at SMA Negeri 6 Malang" which is fully supported by research collaborators, field practice supervisors and field experience supervisors as well as parties involved in inside.



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Aprilianti, L. Irawati, S & Kasrina. (2018). Peningkatan Sikap Ilmiah dan Hasil Belajar Siswa dengan Model Problem Based Learning. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran Biologi. 2(1):58-67.

Kurniasih, P. D., Nugroho, A., & Hermianto, S. (2020). Peningkatan Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) dan Kerjasama Antar Peserta Didik Melalui Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) dengan Media Kokami di Kelas IV SD Negeri Dukuhwaluh. Attadib Journal of Elementary Education, 4(1).

Nuraini, F. (2017). Penggunaan Model Problem Based Learning (PBL) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas 5 SD. E-Jurnal Mitra Pendidikan. 1(4) : 369-378.

Wedyawati, N & Lisa, Y. (2019). Pembelajaran IPA di sekolah dasar. Yogyakarta: CV Budi Utama


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